Callahan & Binkley, PLC


  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: June 10, 2024

Callahan & Binkley, PLC. | Cookeville, TN Passionate Medical Settlement Attorney Many prisons offer some of the harshest living conditions we know of. Some locations have out-of-date systems that make it torturous to live in. From inadequate plumbing leading to backed-up sewage systems to a lack of nutritional food, prisons have had to deal with an uptick in inmate lawsuits.…Read More

  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: January 28, 2022

Imagine you are a patient who’s receiving treatment for a medical problem in a Tennessee hospital. However, you contract a serious infection as a result of the medical negligence of your doctor or hospital. What are your rights? Healthcare-Acquired Infections Also known as nosocomial infections, healthcare-acquired infections are infections that patients contract while receiving medical care. They range in seriousness…Read More

  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: November 1, 2021

Expecting mothers in Tennessee should know what to do if there is shoulder dystocia during labor. This is a birth injury that occurs when a baby’s shoulders become stuck while passing through the mother’s pelvis during the labor process. It can happen with one or both of the shoulders. The good news is that most of the time, babies with…Read More

  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: August 2, 2021

Residents of Tennessee should know the facts about medical malpractice. Medical errors account for over 95,000 deaths in America annually. That’s actually more than serious diseases like AIDS and traumatic events like car collisions. Some of the most common errors in medicine are related to medication. Whether it’s a doctor prescribing the wrong dose or an error at the pharmacy,…Read More

  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: May 3, 2021

Computers are supposed to make life easier for humans and are supposed to wipe out the need for humankind in the workplace. What is happening is more people are needed to manage computers than were required to manage people. Tennessee lawyers are fighting for injured clients who have experienced malpractice injuries based on erroneous electronic health records. How Do Errors…Read More

  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: February 3, 2021

Being involved in an auto accident in Tennessee is stressful enough; add an injury to that, and it can be a downright nightmare. Obtaining injuries in a car accident is not such an uncommon thing. In fact, according to the CDC, 2 out of 3 drivers will be involved in some type of auto accident during their lifetime. Because the…Read More

  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: January 25, 2021

When most people go into surgery, they are doing so to fix an issue, but there are times when a patient will come out in worse condition compared to when they first entered the hospital. Unfortunately, one of the situations that can harm a patient occurs when a medical professional forgets surgical instruments within the person’s body. Although easily prevented,…Read More

  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: October 5, 2020

While there may be some tasks you can perform safely when you’re feeling drowsy, you should know that driving is not one of them. Driving while drowsy may sound harmless, but being sleepy behind the wheel can have dangerous effects on your driving even if you don’t fall asleep. Of course, any adult driver is vulnerable to the effects of…Read More

  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: July 23, 2020

According to a study by Johns Hopkins, medical errors account for nearly 250,000 deaths each year, while other studies say that number could be as high as 440,000. That makes medical mistakes the third-leading cause of death in the United States. Medical malpractice can be one of the most challenging types of personal injury cases to prove, as the burden…Read More

  • By: Patrick “Shea” Callahan, Esq.
  • Published: April 10, 2020

When someone suffers a bad medical outcome, it is often not the result of medical malpractice. All procedures carry certain levels of risk – some of which are simply unavoidable. But if you suspect that your bad outcome was the result of negligence and medical malpractice, you should contact an attorney experienced in these matters. An attorney familiar with malpractice…Read More

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